Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath - 1318 Words

As one of the most renowned and well-known literary critics in the world of composition, Harold Bloom has self-importantly granted himself the privilege of specifying the reasons as to why we read. From human connection to self-actualization to the acquirement of knowledge, he adheres passionately and unquestionably that â€Å"the strongest, most authentic motive for deep reading†¦is the search for a difficult pleasure.† Bloom, as an experienced critic, fully recognizes the task of judging a book for its merit. Harold Bloom understands that we read not only to learn of literary composition but also because â€Å"we require knowledge, not just of self and others, but of the way things are.† This proves true to essentially all humans for any great†¦show more content†¦Both Dr. Gordon and Esther’s mother fail to understand her despair. They encourage Esther to forget her pain instead of trying to understand it. Because both her mother and doctor have f ailed her, Esther must learn to solve her problems on her own. She no longer believes in a cure for her illness and so she relies on the only escape she has left: suicide. Her thoughts on suicide are described in a straightforward, matter of fact manner. She focuses more on the practicalities of her death, how and where it should be done, as opposed to the reasons why she would do it. Her calm outlook on the inevitability of her death suggests that she must do it simply because she sees no other way to escape her pain. As she is most rational when planning her suicide, her point of view is easily understood and her actions seem reasonable. While Esther is certainly mentally ill, she experiences moments of clarity in which she can address her own sadness. She describes her illness as a bell jar, a recurring metaphor for confinement, in that wherever she went, she would be â€Å"sitting under the same glass bell jar, stewing in my own sour air† (Plath 207). Esther feels trapped within her own head, plagued by the same thoughts of insecurity and despondency over and over again. Following her suicide attempts, Esther is placed under the care of Dr. Nolan, aShow MoreRelatedThe Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath1211 Words   |  5 PagesOn January 14th of 1963, Sylvia Plath had finally completed The Bell Jar after approximately two years of writing. This novel could have been considered a partial autobiography, because the main character Esther Greenwood eerily represents Sylvia Plath. There are a number of references to Plath’s real life throughout the book, too many for it to be considered a mere coincidence. Within the story, Esther Greenwood considers and attempts suicide quite frequently. Could this novel have been foreshadowingRead MoreThe Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath Essay1438 Words   |  6 Pagesthe novel been translated into nearly a dozen different languages, but it is also the only novel under the American writer and poet Sylvia Plath. She wrote this n ovel to resemble her life whenever she was dealing with mental illness. It was published in 1967 and was not published in the United States until 1971. After the first publication in the United Kingdom, Plath committed suicide in a very tragic way.   Even though this novel can be viewed as â€Å"dark†, many english classes read this world wideRead MoreThe Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath1099 Words   |  5 PagesThe Bell Jar by: Sylvia Plath Depression is a serious topic throughout the world, especially in America. Depression can result in someone feeling completely alone. There is no direct cause for depression in adolescents, but it can be brought on by the maturing process, stress from failure in some sort, a traumatic or disturbing event such as death, or even a break up. Sure, everyone has an off day here and there, where they feel like they shouldn’t even bother getting out bed in the morning, butRead MoreThe Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath1211 Words   |  5 PagesSylvia Plath Research Paper Title The Bell Jar place[s] [the] turbulent months[of an adolescent’s life] in[to] mature perspective (Hall, 30). In The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath uses parallelism, stream of consciousness, the motif of renewal and rebirth, symbolism of the boundary-driven entrapped mentally ill, and auto-biographical details to epitomize the mental downfall of protagonist, Esther Greenwood. Plath also explores the idea of how grave these timeless and poignant issues can affect a fragileRead More The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath1820 Words   |  7 PagesIdentity is fragile and is a characteristic that every person must discover without hiding behind inexperience’s and excluding themselves from the outside world of reality or else their own personal bell jar will suffocate them alive. The Bell Jar, a semi-autobiographical novel written by Sylvia Plath portrays how a young woman with too many identities and unrealistic expectations overwhelms herself to the point that she contemplates and attempts su icide multiple times. Esther Greenwood, a young collegeRead MoreThe Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath942 Words   |  4 Pagesdevelopment of her relationship with many characters in the novel, The Bell Jar. Esther is mentally and emotionally different than a majority of the people in her community. As a result of this state, she often has difficulty taking criticism to heart. Her depression continues to build throughout the novel as she remains in the asylum. It does not help that she has no aid from her loved ones. In the novel, The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath utilizes the relationships that Esther shares with Buddy Willard MrsRead MoreThe Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath1274 Words   |  6 Pagesnovel The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath the prime character, Esther Greenwood, struggles to handle life in her own skin. She feels as though she is trapped in a glass bell jar with no escape because of her incapability to comprehend herself. For example, in chapter one Plath states, â€Å"‘My name s Elly H igginbottom,’ I said. ‘I come from Chicago.’ After that I felt safer. I didn t want anything I said or did that night to be associated with me and my real name and coming from Boston† (Plath 11). In thisRead MoreThe Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath1554 Words   |  6 Pagestrials and triumphs in their personal life, their relationships with others and their surroundings. In the Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath explores the role of women in society in 1950s New York City through her relationships and interactions. Esther Greenwood is the major character and is therefore central to the novel. The book is considered to be a â€Å"roman a` clef† portraying the painful summer of Sylvia Plath’s psychotic breakdown in 1953, and contains â€Å"thinly disguised portraits of her family and friends†Read MoreThe Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath1940 Words   |  8 PagesAccording to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of the word â€Å"bell jar† is, †Å"a bell-shaped usually glass vessel designed to contain objects or preserve gases and or a vacuum†. Sylvia Plath’s title, The Bell Jar, symbolically represents her feeling towards the seclusion and inferiority women endured trapped by societes glass vessel during the 1950’s. The Bell Jar, follows the life of Esther Greenwood, the protagonist and narrator of the story, during her desperate attempt to become a womanRead MoreThe Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath851 Words   |  4 Pages The bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is a bildungsroman fictional novel, and documents a first person account of Esther Greenwood’s struggle with depression from her late teens to early twenty’s. During Esther’s final path of destruction, her encounter with Marco leads her to one of many revelations about societies expectations for women and this reality along with many other factors sends Esther to her near demise. Before Esther’s encounter with Marco she was experiencing life in New York

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Galileo was the Greatest Innovator and Scientific Mind of...

â€Å"I decided to stand alone on the throne of the world, because I believe all good philosophers fly alone like eagles.†(Axelrod 9 ) . Galileo is one of the greatest scientific minds and innovators of his time. Many questioned his methods of discovery, reasons for why something was happening in experiments he conducted. Galileo’s reasoning is the focal point to his research and helps with the idea of understanding how he thought. Galileo’s inventions were the most innovative and advanced in his field at the time. Most importantly Galileo was just trying to find truth , â€Å"Galileo was honest when he said that if the bible seemed to say something different from what science said, then one had just misinterpreted the bible†,(Axelrod 8 ). Provided the research and experiments Galileo had done his theories and ideas are correct for his time. As a scientist, Galileo experimented with many theories on how the universe was structured and found the copernican theory to be the most sensible but had trouble proving his system to be true. Galileo’s commitment to explanation as the basis for justification for his research is stronger than most of his other methods for explaining the environment around him. How Galileo found his truths are thorough his research. Galileo started to reason the tides and the flow of the waves of the ocean,How the waves relate to the motion of the earth and it’s motion in relation to Copernican theory of the universe â€Å"the timing and magnitude of specificShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding the Scientific Revolution Essay1579 Words   |  7 PagesUnderstanding the Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution was a time of change and new thinking. Many innovators had new ideas about the earth and many other things, but most challenged the Church in thinking of these new concepts. This revolution was so important to the development of mankind that modern historians honor the phrase with initial capital letters. This change of thought took almost two centuries to become established in western Europe; today this prolonged crisis is knownRead MoreEssay on The European Renaissance2182 Words   |  9 Pagesof darkness. Within it, learning was suppressed and knowledge didn’t advance. However, by a turn into the 1400’s, there was a â€Å"rebirth† of learning: the Renaissance. The Renaissance was marked by an intense awaking in the visible world and in the knowledge derived from the experiences rather than religion and wise tales. It turned away from the abstract speculations and interest in life after death which is characterized in the Middle Ages. Although Christianity was not forgotten completely, the holyRead MoreThe Enlightenment Philosophers: What Was Their Main Idea2373 Words   |  10 PagesLiterature Network  » Literary Periods  » The Enlightenment 57 The Enlightenment The Enlightenment, sometimes referred to as the Age of Reason, was a confluence of ideas and activities that took place throughout the eighteenth century in Western Europe, England, and the American colonies. Scientific rationalism, exemplified by the scientific method, was the hallmark of everything related to the Enlightenment. Following close on the heels of the Renaissance, Enlightenment thinkers believed that theRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words   |  960 PagesAppliances, Inc.: Deciding on a New Information Technology Platform CASE STUDY I-7 Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (B): Cleaning Up an Information Systems Debacle CASE STUDY II-1 Vendor-Managed Inventory at NIBCO CASE STUDY II-2 Real-Time Business Intelligence at Continental Airlines CASE STUDY II-3 Norfolk Southern Railway: The Business Intelligence Journey CASE STUDY II-4 Mining Data to Increase State Tax Revenues in California CASE STUDY II-5 The Cliptomaniaâ„ ¢ WebRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pageswill normally be a prerequisite that some type of analysis of the strategic position is undertaken, using the case material. When planning the use of these cases within programmes, care needs to be taken to balance the time taken on such strategic analysis so as to allow the time required to analyse the main issues for which the case has been chosen. Where the text and cases are being used as the framework for a strategy programme (as we hope they will), it is essential that students are requiredRead MoreCase Study148348 Words   |  594 Pageswith Strategy The Global Pharmaceutical Industry: Swallowing a Bitter Pill Vodafone: Developing a Total Communications Strategy in the UK Market European Tour Operators: Confronting Competition in the Tourism Industry Evolution and Revolution in the Hi-Fi Sector ï £ ©2007 - Early 2009 The Formula 1 Constructors Web Reservations Inte rnational: Challenging Industry Norms Manchester United FC: Continuing Success but at What Cost? Hermes Fund Management, Total and Premier Oil: The Responsibility

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Efficiency of The Port of Tilbury

Question: Describe about the Enhancing the Efficiency Of the Port Of Tilbury Through Sustainable Development? Answer: Background: Sustainability in the maritime industry: Shipping and/or maritime industries and transport services have a very fundamental role in the worldwide development of economy: they have been the crucial resources using which Europe had been able to compete in the global market. At this point of time, as much as 80% of the trade that is conducted worldwide and as much as 40% of all the trade that is conducted in the European market is facilitated by the sea ports: and a huge percentage of the fleet that runs in the world are owned by various companies that have their origins in Europe (Commission of the European Communities 2009). The transportation capacity of modern day ships are enormous: thus the environmental impact of these transportation facility is much lower than other facility used for trade, in terms of carbon emission per piece of product transported. As of now, modern day ships are the most carbon efficient transport system that are being used in the commercial purposes (Figure 1-1). Nevertheless, the rate of carbon emissions of all maritime transport system can still be compared any industry that has significant effect on the national economy of the country, and still is responsible for as much as 3% of the total carbon that is emitted worldwide (Buhaug et al., 2010). The United Nation Climate Change Convention is a forum that targets the efforts that that are being made to reduce the rate of carbon emission that is associated with the major industries of national importance: the very same effort is expected from the maritime industry also. Only if this industry increases its attention towards achieving the objective of zero waste, zero emission in long term basis, the CO2 emissions can be reduced significantly by a combined effect of measures taken in the domains of technology, operations and/ or other measures that depend on the market: thus moving towards a significant improvement in environmental performances by the implementation of sustainable development. Figure 1.1: Carbon emission of transportation system in million tons. Source: Buhaug et. all, 2010 Maritime industry and climate change: The steady rise in the prices of oil and the generalized changes in the market of energy production play a crucial role in the sustainability of the maritime industry. However, the most recent trend in the commercial shipping and/ or maritime industry is the attention that is being given on the environmental performances of the shipping companies and the associated industries: the roles they play towards the protection of environment is being scrutinized strictly, as the particulars of the consequences of climatic change are the top rated agenda of the UN (Cruise and Maritime Voyages, 2015). This is because the combustion of fuel is one of the fundamental operational activities involved in this industry and the investments in this sector is expected to steadily increase with the implementation of policies that address the reduction of carbon emission in the global level: such policies being aimed at the reduction in the total amount of carbon emission that is contributed by the shipp ing industry across the world. According to the International Council on Clear Transportation, ocean shipping particularly dominates the domain of international commercial cargo transportation. The very same sources claim that cargo ships are globally considered as the source of most polluting combustion, the pollution being calculated for each metric ton of fuel that is consumed (Hildreth and Torbitt, 2010) The emission made by marine engines is however far higher and much more polluting than the various other conventional sources of pollution: this is because the fuel combusted in such engines is not only of poor quality, but also because as of now, the maritime industry lacks the implementation of strict environmental pollution control policies. The commercial shipping and maritime industry has significant contribution to the global emission of various green house gases like that of sulphur oxides or (SOx), nitrogen oxides or (NOx), hydrocarbons (HyC), particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2), (Hildreth and Torbitt, 2010). The International Maritime Organization or the IMO is the most influential legislative authority of this industry: in an attempt to reduce the environmental effect of this industry, this particular organization is working towards the implementation of those policies that would be able to some of the very basic issues that are fundamental to this domain. The policies being implemented can be considered as the adaption of various measures that are essentially market based, and mandates the incorporation of different technical initiatives, like that of design matrices used for measuring the energy efficiency of the systems. However, the decision making process that is conducted by the International Maritime Organization or the IMO takes huge amount of time: especially the entire process of taking decision about some issue to process implementing it physically might take up to several years (Hildreth and Torbitt, 2010). Thus, some of the companies are voluntarily taking initiatives that would be able to increase their energy efficiency and decrease the rate of fuel consumption (Londoncontainerterminal, 2015). 1.3 The port of Tilbury: This proposed research aims at introducing various sustainable developmental strategies that would increase the efficiency of the port of Tilbury. The port of Tilbury is a part of the Forth Ports: a commercial organization that runs 6 other ports located at Grangemouth in Scotland, Burntisland located in Fife, Methil in Fife, Rosyth near Edinburgh, Leith near Edinburgh and Dundee in Scotland. Figure 1.2: Forth Ports The port provides services in paper pulp and forest products and also a wide range of general and bulk cargoes.The port is situated at Tilbury in the Essex County of the United Kingdom, on the Thames River (, 2015). The Tilbury port considered as the primary port of the country: it is the principle port that the country uses to import paper. However, the port also has the facilities that can be used to import cars (Ltd., 2015). The location of the port makes it much more potential to cause pollution: the carbon emission of this port not only pollutes the environment of the county, but also affects the bio diversity of the entire river. Thus the introduction of sustainable development plans is necessary in this case, so that the port can operate in a much more efficient way (, 2015). Figure 1.3: Port of Tilbury The Port of Tilbury is around 125 years old, and is still considered as the primary port of London. It is has also been awarded as the Green port of UK, due to the steps that it has taken towards the reduction of carbon emission. The port uses wind turbines for the production of electricity, has invested in various other renewable energy sources including biomass and has incorporated various routing techniques using which the maritime vehicles can reach the port with as less carbon emission as possible. All these implementation had started from 2008, keeping in mind that the port was to take a huge role in the 2012 Olympics held at London: before that period, the port of Tilbury used to contribute to as much as 14 percent of the total carbon emission of London. However, recent researches indicate that the implementation of the new technologies aimed at harnessing the power of renewable sources of energy has been fruitful; the carbon emission rates have reduced by a margin of 10 perce nt. Problem statement: The carbon emissions generated by the ocean shipping transport sector has proved to be a very important and crucial source of the carbon emission s generated worldwide that is continuously polluting the environment. The various sources of carbon emission that exist on the land are being controlled by various policies, thus increasing the importance of the reduction of carbon emission by ocean based industries, namely the ports and the shipping vehicles. Increasing the cost of energy sources is one strategy that is being taken, besides the implementation of various upcoming regulations that would regulate the sector of maritime industry, in order to focus on the improvement of energy efficiency, such that the carbon emission rates could be reduced. The reductions of carbon emission rates will ultimately have a significant effect on the changes in climate changes. Various regulatory bodies encourage the policies and / or practices of Green shipping: such regulatory bodies have defined rules and regulations on the shipping corporations that are now forcing them to conduct business and/ or business collaborations by the integration of responsible environmental and/or social practices into the management of transportation (Lai, Wong and Lun, 2011). The port of Tilbury is considered as the green port of London, as they have put much effort in the reduction of carbon emission. The port of Tilbury has officially announced that they will be voluntarily taking part in the mission adapted by the government of UK to reduce carbon emission rates by 2050 by a significant quantity, hence the requirement for further investigation in the domain of sustainable development. Purpose of the Study: As the ports have a unique position as the key centers of supply chains, thus they have the ability to influence the sustainable operations of the supply chains: this unique feature provides the sea ports with opportunities and/ or responsibilities so as to contribute significantly to the decrease in the emission of pollutant particles. The fundamental aim of the proposed research is to find out those state of the art environmental policies that could be used to address the situation of changes in climate due to emission of pollutants and that of the quality of air in the adjacent areas for the port of Tilbury. Although the port already has implemented various management strategies for controlling pollution, yet further improvement is possible in terms of reduction in emission of carbon products and / or other green house gasses that have a significant role in the change of climate being perceived in the region. A present, the port of Tilbury has invested in large number of projects that aim at harnessing renewable sources of energy, yet the disposal of the wastes generated due to these projects have become a huge problem for the port. At present, the wastes are being used for the purpose of land-filling in the south eastern parts of the country; but the process itself is creating much environmental pollution (Shipping Emissions in Ports, 2015). In July 2014, the port joined hands with SITA UK, an organization specializing in waste management, in order to set up a recycling hub that will be effective from 2016. This recycling hub will be utilized for the purpose of disposal of the wastes (, 2015). However, the government of the United Kingdom has been proposed by various forums to include the shipping and maritime industry in the initiative that is being made towards the reduction of carbon emission of the country by 2050. The port of Tilbury has officially announced that they will be voluntarily taking part in this mission, hence the requirement for further investigation in the domain of sustainable development (McKINNON, 2013). Research Objectives: The proposed research project will emphasize on the process of dealing with the unawareness that exists among the various authorities of the port, with regard to the various opportunities that are already available for the sustainable development of the port of Tilbury. The aim of the project will be to investigate the answer to the following research question: Which state of the art environmental policies should be implemented at the port of Tilbury to face the challenges of climatic change and increased rate of pollutant emission that is deteriorating the quality of the air? The research question can be subdivided into two parts: the first part aims at identification of the state of the art environmental policies that could be implemented to reduce the rate of pollution on all the ports of the world. The second part will concentrate on the evaluation of those strategies in order to find out those strategies which will be relevant to the port of Tilbury. As the UK government has introduced industrial taxes on the rates of carbon emitted by organizations, the decrease in the rate of pollution emission will also be economical towards the port of Tilbury and the facts and figures derived from the analysis of the project report will be utilized to estimate the economic benefit of the organization as achieved from the incorporation of the recommended solutions (F o r t h P o r t s P L C, 2015). Literature Review: The research process, needless to say, started with the investigation of the various state of the art environmental strategies and / or policies that can be used to address the various climatic changes that are being perceived due to the increased rate pollution emission and the steadily deteriorating quality of air in adjacent to the ports. However, mush before the actual investigation started, a list of those leading ports which are currently facing environmental issues was prepared. The World Port Climate Initiative or the WPCI was found to be that legislative authority which could provide the detailed information required for this process, and the material found on their official website had been the primary source literature that has been consulted in this research (WPCI, 2015). The data collection method used for this research was dependent on the review of available: the collected documents were studied using an analytical approach, as the process of determining which collected data is useful for the research process was the crucial aspect of the literature review phase (Marshall and Rossman 2006). However, using this method, the relevant data that was collected from the various documents available from the World Port Climate Initiative was found to contain the best possible answers to the research question: thus no existing literature was reviewed further (WPCI, 2015). Methodology: Research methodology: As of now, it has been decided that the following framework will be used for conducting the proposed research: Figure 4.1: Research methodology The first part of the research will be conducted based on the data collected from secondary sources: no personal investigations and/ or surveys are to be conducted for collecting data that could be indicative of the strategies that are implemented by the other ports so as to address the challenges of pollution emission. Such a survey, if conducted, would no doubt be helpful to the research: however we are relying on data collected from the secondary sources primarily due to the restrictions of time and budget(WPCI, 2015). The data which has already been collected through the review of various existing literature and/ or the materials being communicated by the World Port Climate Initiative is being analyzed qualitatively. A simple random sampling technique has been used for data sampling. The literatures were chosen such that they have been published within a range of 10 to 15 years, and have been published in English. Research papers that are older than this timeframe or which have been published in some other language have not been considered. In addition to this, the data set was collected keeping in mind that it should contain data from both national and international levels, such that the global scenario can be assed from the data (WPCI, 2015). However, in order to find the results of the second part of the question, direct communications with the Port of Tilbury will be required: thus the research will be based on the data collected from primary sources. The process of evaluation and assessment of the strategies will be followed by the implementation of a pilot project: the aim of the project being reduction in the rates of pollutant emission at the port of Tilbury. The pilot project will run for a period of 1 months, after which the carbon emission rates of the port will be measured. The results generated from the tests will be helpful in providing recommendations to the port authority such that they can indulge in efficient operational behavior. 4.2 Time Scale: The research has been planned to follow the following time schedule: Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Resource Names Auto Scheduled Investigation of the research domain 15 days Mon 16-02-15 Fri 06-03-15 Auto Scheduled Literature review 22 days Mon 16-02-15 Tue 17-03-15 computing devices Auto Scheduled Finalization of research topic 6 days Wed 18-03-15 Wed 25-03-15 2 Auto Scheduled Literature review/data collection 21 days Thu 26-03-15 Thu 23-04-15 3 research guide Auto Scheduled Data analysis 13 days Fri 24-04-15 Tue 12-05-15 3,4 research guide, computing devices, analytical tools Auto Scheduled Finding strategies 15 days Wed 13-05-15 Tue 02-06-15 computing devices, analytical tools Auto Scheduled Evaluation of strategies 15 days Wed 03-06-15 Tue 23-06-15 5 Auto Scheduled Implementation of pilot project 37 days Tue 23-06-15 Wed 12-08-15 Port of Tilbury Auto Scheduled results of the pilot project 7 days Thu 13-08-15 Fri 21-08-15 6 Auto Scheduled Recommendations 3 days Fri 21-08-15 Tue 25-08-15 Figure 4.2: The Gantt Chart of the research project, as implemented in MS Project As of now, we have been able to abide by the designed schedule. At this point of time the project team is conducting analysis of the various strategies that the literature review has indicated is used for the purpose of facing the challenges of pollutant particle emission at the various ports of the world. Conclusion: The primary objective of the research proposal was to present to audience the various details of the problem that is being considered in this research project, along with the representation of the knowledge and/ or tools that have been accessed and/or used during the semester. However, the most important objective of this research proposal was to present to the Port of Tilbury a plan to incorporate significant changes in their operations, such that the port can function with much more efficiency in terms of its responsibilities to the environment. The main focus of this research project is to reduce the emission rates of carbon, green house gases and/ or other pollutant materials that are produced by various functional activities of the port. It is expected that the final outcomes of the project will be successfully implemented in the port of Tilbury, along with the viable and/ or relevant environmental strategies that they have already incorporated in their system. The time schedule prepared for the project has already considered the implementation of a pilot project in the port of Tilbury. The physical implementation of the pilot project will be helpful in determining that how far the mission of pollutant materials can be curbed by the incorporation of the strategies that will be recommended by this research in near future. Based on the results of the pilot project, further improvement of the working model will also be possible. Reference: Buhaug, Corbett, J., Endresen, and Eyring, (2010). Second IMO GHG Study 2010. Cruise and Maritime Voyages, (2015).Home Page - Cruise and Maritime Voyages. [online] Cruise and Maritime Voyages. Available at: [Accessed 30 Jun. 2015]. F o r t h P o r t s P L C, (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jul. 2015]., A. (2015).Port of Tilbury | London's Major Port | Forth Ports. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Jun. 2015]. Hildreth, R. and Torbitt, A. (2010). International Treaties and U.S. Laws as Tools to Regulate the Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships and Ports.The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 25, pp.347376., (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Jun. 2015]. Lai,, Wong, and Lun, (2011). Green shipping practices in the shipping industry: Conceptualization, adoption, and implications.Hong Kong: Resources, Conservation and Recycling [Resour. Conserv. Recycling], 55(6), pp.631-638. Londoncontainerterminal, (2015).London Container Terminal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Jun. 2015]. , A. (2015).Contact Us | Port of Tilbury London | Forth Ports. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Jun. 2015]. Marshall, Catherine, and Gretchen B. Rossman. Designing qualitative research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications Inc., 2006. McKINNON,, (2013). Decarbonising The Deep - Sea Container Supply Chain:The Possible Contribution Of Port - Centric Logistics. WCTR, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, [online] 13. Available at: [Accessed 2 Jul. 2015]. co, (2015). Major recycling hub to be built at Tilbury Dock | Resource Magazine. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jul. 2015]. Shipping Emissions in Ports, (2015). Shipping Emissions in Ports. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jul. 2015]. WPCI Onshore Power Supply: (Accessed 08 June 2015). IAPH Tool Box for Greenhouse Gasses., 2010. Environmental Ship Index. 2011. (accessed 2015). World Ports Climate Iniative. 2011. (accessed 2015).

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Media Reaction free essay sample

Introduction The media reaction to immigration problem in the United States is as diverse as the cultures and people it impacts. While there does exist some common public and political views there is also factual information which could alter those positions. The media piece, discussed here, found on the website: Los Angeles Times Politics.. This paper will use the media format to address the questions on the media reaction toward immigration. What is the historical framework on this issue? On March 26, 2009, Sen. Richard Durbin introduced the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Acts of 2009, known as the DREAM Act. What is the political content of this issue? The DREAM Act is a bill that was reintroduced within the U. S. in 2011. According to Wikipedia (2013), â€Å"The DREAM Act is the latest issue in Immigration Reform. The DREAM Act is the Development Relief and Education for Alien Minor Act changed the lives of illegal immigrants. We will write a custom essay sample on Media Reaction or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The DREAM Act extended price cuts for in-state college tuition and speeded up the citizenship process. † Conditional Permanent Residency allowed an individual to work, drive, and travel aboard for long periods, up to 365 days in total for six years. What message does the media piece attempt to portray? Per the article, the Republicans were against the DREAM Act wanting to deport the immigrants back to where they came from. What message does the media piece attempt to convey? Was the media coverage biased or unbiased? Was the issue sensationalized or portrayed objectively? How might the media coverage effect the public perception of the issue? Does encourage or discourage prejudice, discrimination or stereotyping? The article attempts to provide perspective which addressed both the concerns and different views of the DREAM Act immigration issue in the United State. The coverage present here was bias and portrayed objectively. Carol P. Harvey, â€Å"The exploration of the immigration policy and reform is a volatile and complicated issue socially, politically, and legally. â€Å"This media presentation reinforced that with it media representation of the â€Å"DREAM Act,† proposed by the Democratic Congress and opposed by their Republican counterpart. † â€Å"It further present arguments that Obama’s program, done by executive action, does not give such immigrants legal status but it at least protects them from deportation from two years. Amendment sponsor Steve King, is a strident opponent of relaxing U. S. immigration law. He said any changes to U. S. policy should be enacted by Congress, not orchestrated by the present. † (Mascaro, 2013). If you were a manager affected by this issue and its media coverage, what inclusion strategies from this week’s reading might you implement to moderate the media’s effect on your employees and to promote inclusion in the workplace? As a manager I would include all workers in the workplace. If the worker is undocumented or not, while in the work environment by law all workers are to be treated equally and fairly. The globalization of the work place, and the diversity it brings has all employees thinking of themselves as more than just an American, as such I cannot and should not take any action or allow any which maybe discriminatory or prejudicial in nature. I would uphold all the laws and policies of the company and until told otherwise, I would treat all employees on the presumption that I or the company did not â€Å"knowingly† higher an undocumented worker.