Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Community and its nature Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Community and its nature - Assignment Example Community and its nature There are numerous forms of communities on the planet and each of them nurture their own beliefs and concepts and identify their uniqueness against other .But a community is a not that appears on surface and has a darker side to it many overlook often times.The cultural differences and hostilities towards other culture is a common practice in many countries and less has been done to abolish this social evil. There is a considerable amount of conflicts in and between the communities which only has lead to fragmentation that unity among people. The real purpose of community and social grouping is to ensure peace rather than rubbing against to spark violence and clashes. Social exclusion and oppression in community Social exclusion is a concept which relates to a disadvantage of a society where in communities or social groups are alienated or isolated. Social exclusion and oppression can arise due to income inequality, occupation and difference in racial background. The social exclusion is a concept visibly connected widely with various kinds of social and economical problems. According to this concept certain groups or communities are considered inferior or underprivileged due to their social circumstance and racial background or poverty. As per the reading, community is the breeding ground for discrimination, social inequalities and social taboos. The very core nature of community is to create borders, limitation and restriction among people to breed animosity, condemn and conspiracy. According to reading, the communities are always afraid of its security and regard other communities as alien beings. In this attempt to secure themselves and their social belongings they consider other people around them as aliens, intruders or strangers. The author contemplates that violence is not originated without any valid reason but is the residue of the alienated attitude nurtured by the rich and wealth class of the society. The minority of people who are poor class are lea st powerful in the society are symbolized as violent groups. This lack of power and wealth in many sectors of society give way to the up rise of social inequality oppression and segmentation among people. The author points out that if a society is scrutinized thoroughly one can find a presence of division and conflict within and outside of it. However, the society projects a warm outlook which displays nothing but peace, love and harmony. Here the author enquires about the social interaction between the men and women and that attachment arises out it which gives a qualitative shape to the social scenario. It is also been mentioned that historical circumstances play a significant role in formulating social consequences which other wise intended. The Historical circumstances here can be referred to the history of certain country or geographical boundary which gives a certain identity or cultural foundation to people. This cultural identity or foundation can persuade group of people to differentiate themselves from the people of other geographical areas by forming practice and cultural beliefs. Social formation got initiated with the consistent practices of certain culture and historical practices. Social formation is a complex phenomenon and history and cultural beli

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Post Soviet Eurasia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Post Soviet Eurasia - Essay Example Speaking about the collapse of the Soviet Union, it is important to note that the its main reason was killing of established regime by the crisis, caused by the internal contradictions of the Soviet system and the inability of the Communist Party to resolve them. The end of the Soviet Union led to the ethnic and other conflicts that resulted in thousands of victims and became the cause of instant impoverishment of millions of people as well as the development of the widespread criminality and massive loss of life guidelines. The question of the Post-Soviet reality is more complicated. All former Soviet republics managed to transform themselves into the independent states, which could be hardly imagined in 1991. Today the economic situation in these areas is different. Before the beginning of the global economic crisis, almost all countries of the former Soviet Union managed to overcome deep financial default, caused by the collapse and reconstruction of all-union economy. â€Å"Most of the armed conflicts that accompanied the collapse of the Soviet Union took place in the Caucasus. The independent countries of the south – Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia – are beset by the economic problems, social unrest and territorial disputes† (King, Charles, 2008). The origins of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict lie in the events of the late 1980s, when the activation of the Georgian national movement for the independence from the Union center and the radical actions of its leaders led to a sharp deterioration of relations between Georgians and ethnic minorities (primarily, the Abkhazians and Ossetians, who had their own autonomous education and demanded to enhance their status). In 1992, South Ossetia was an independent state, with its own constitution (adopted in 1993), and state symbols. Georgian authorities continued to accept it as the Tskhinvali region, but they did not take active steps to establish control over it. In