Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Comparison Between the American Constitution and the Italian Research Paper - 1

Comparison Between the American Constitution and the Italian Constitution - Research Paper Example Italy approved its constitution in 1947 while American’s constitution was in 1789. There are very many amendments and articles that these constitutions of the two countries contain. They share both similarities and differences in their structure. This paper will show the deep sides of both Italian and American constitution. The American constitution has seven articles. It has also experienced 27 amendments. Framers were the first people who wrote these articles in 1787. They were 55 of them who wanted a better government for the people of America. They came up with these articles after intense debates and discussions. People were involved because these framers made speeches everywhere they went and explained what they wanted to do. It required nine states to approve these articles, and thirteen states voted for these first articles. A constitutional convention conveyed in Philadelphia agreed to pass these articles (Bardes 11). Article 1 approved the powers of the congress. Limits for its functions were also in this article. Congress had the senate and House of Representatives. There functions looked similar, but looking deeper there were some differences. Both had the responsibility of making laws before forwarding it to the president for approval. Senate had the special power of impeachments and signi ng treaties. Article 2 was mainly concerned with the executive branch. This is the administration part of the government; the president and his cabinet secretaries. It outlined the presidential powers and the roles of each secretary in their allocated department. Article 3 was the base of the formation of the judiciary. These are the court systems in America, both the state and federal ones. Definition of treason is also available in this article. The role of judiciary was to interpret the law. It also gave the courts powers to convict a criminal. It bared the courts from convicting citizens of foreign countries. Article 4

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