Friday, August 14, 2020

Weekend in Kendall Square

Weekend in Kendall Square This weekend, as I was reading the Sunday Globe magazine like I  usually do on a Sunday morning with the dog, my partner, and the wood stove cranking  (even when its too warm out), I flipped to a big section titled 24 hours in Kendall Square. Dont you still have that gift certificate for two nights at the Marriott in Cambridge? asked my partner now peering over my shoulder to see what I was reading.  And werent we going to pick a weekend in March to hang out in the city? she asked again. Well, I was thinking more like April or May when its nice out again, I answered while reaching for my coffee cup near my slippered foot on the coffee table. And then I remembered the bulletin boards in the Infinite Corridor. I cant seem to make it to my office in the morning without stopping a half a dozen times along the way to see whats going on around campus.  The other day I read a flyer about a media lab talk with the new director and I had to email Chris, who was in the middle of committee still. Hey, they are having this talk tomorrow night thought you might be interested free food.   I commute three hours a day to my job at MIT and I get home when its dark and late with barely enough time to put something together for dinner for the teenagers who live in my basement (mine).  And at this time of year especially, Im usually back on the computer again for a little while at night. Youd think the last place Id want to be on a weekend is roaming the infinite, but March just happens to be hopping with great things going on.   Come to think of it, Id rather be at the Cape in May so a March Kendall Square weekend might actually be perfect. And heres how it could play out. Saturday Morning:  A jog along the Charles River and breakfast at Clover. Then an afternoon at the List Gallery to see the two current exhibits. Its Womens History Month in March and the Women and Gender Studies  program at MIT is sponsoring a really great film series all month with films Id love to see, like this one. Dinner at  Hungry Mother.    Only the best restaurant ever in Kendall Square.  And  to top it all off,  a performance in Kresge of Steve Reichs Electric Counterpoint.  I can hear my partner groaning now.  Electric Counterpoint?    Although  Pat Metheny does it best.  Yep, shes groaning again. The arts are alive and well at MIT. Come visit.  Ill see you in March!

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